We acupuncturists in the United States find ourselves in a unique situation. We are tasked with educating and serving the population with a medicine that is at the same time ancient and new. It is also foreign, but universal - in that it works the same for all humans (and even animals and pets.)
It’s also comprehensive, in that it can treat many different conditions, for people young and old. However, I want to focus on how it can benefit older adults, with an emphasis on promoting longevity. (Younger adults, with an eye towards the future, will also find this informative, as it’s best to establish a healthy foundation early).
What is Acupuncture?
First let’s start with, “what is acupuncture?” Acupuncture is a therapy for treating many health issues, by stimulating certain points on the body. A licensed acupuncturist will know which points to stimulate based on the presenting conditions from the patient. These points can be stimulated by insertion (with very thin needles), heat (such as moxabustion), or non-insertion (acupressure tool).
Some caution is needed with insertion, and heat, which is why acupuncturists in NY get extensive training. This includes many hours of practice in clinic, a master’s degree, and successfully passing state board exams.
How Does it Work?
The exact mechanisms of how acupuncture works are still being studied, as this ancient tradition continues to evolve to this day. What is known is that acupuncture promotes circulation, regulates the nervous system, and triggers the release of internal chemicals that make use of the body’s ability to heal itself.
Avoid the Rx “Whack-a-mole”
This makes possible pain-relief, that is drug-free, and with few side-effects. This is important for people who are wary of adding another risky medication. Even patients on blood-thinners will find acupuncture safe, as the needles are so thin as to make only a few drops of blood once removed.
Benefits of Acupuncture
In addition to pain, acupuncture has been recognized as being helpful for many conditions affecting older adults. This includes: Depression, HyperTension, COPD, Urinary tract infections, and arthritis. It also helps with symptoms of chronic disease. For example, with post-surgical recovery, peripheral neuropathy in diabetes patients, and with side-effects from chemo and radiation.
If you are free of these ailments, acupuncture can also help with what we call “wellness”, or “well-being”. Basically, occasion treatments that help lower the effects of stress, and keep things in balance.
One of East Asia’s Keys to Life Longevity
While acupuncture works for everyone, it comes from a culture in China that is known for promoting longevity and health well into older age. Acupuncture has to be seen as part of the reason for that, and its benefits can be had by you as well.
Questions or interested in setting up an appointment at our clinic?
Call Mike at Community Zen Acupuncture
(934) 221-7111
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